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Original Study | Published: August 25, 2022
Scope of inland fish farming in Ernakulam – evaluating the extent of Government supports provided to the farmers and its impact on their livelihood.
DOI: 10.52718/0101.59
Rural development can only be achieved in a long-term sustainable manner if a project is financially viable, environmentally friendly, and socially acceptable. Only by preserving resources for future generations without sacrificing current requirements can development be said to be sustainable. One of them is aquaculture. With the rise in the number of population, natural resources have already been depleted due to high demand. The need for blue growth is growing. As the rate of consumption rises, society becomes more affluent. The initiatives of the Blue Revolution range from employment development to environmental protection. The purpose of this survey is to find out how well people are aware of the new breakthroughs and technology that aid farmers and the extend of government supports provided to the people of the state. The study region is in Kerala, the gods own country which is well abundant with natural water bodies and other sources which is under-utilized. This paper focuses attention on the scope of fish farming in making rural areas a developed model to society. Besides these, the paper will evaluate the government's supports for running fish farms. From the analysis conducted in the study, we can came to a conclusion that fish farming contributes income to the households and it enhances their quality of living, health and it increases their social well-being. The area of study is confined to the Ernakulam District.  The study makes use of statistical tool like ANOVA to find the relationship between variables  


Inland Fish Farming, Government Supports, Livelihood, Blue Revolution, Society, Consumption, Environmental Protection.
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img © 2021,ASWATHY C.R

img How to cite this article: ASWATHY C.R (2021).   Scope of inland fish farming in Ernakulam – evaluating the extent of Government supports provided to the farmers and its impact on their livelihood.,   1 (1) DOI:  10.52718/0101.59

img Received: March 22, 2022; Accepted: August 25, 2022;
Responding Author Information
ASWATHY C.R, achuaswathy1997@gmail.com
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   DOI: 10.52718/0101.59    Download: 566    View: 1
Published in Volume 1, Issue 1, JANUARY - MAY, 2021